Spending some time in prayer or meditation is a wonderful way to start the day. Here’s a morning prayer to get you started.
Have a great day!
Gracious God,
Thank you for being with me today.
Open my eyes to see you at work in me and around me as I go about my day.
Help me to enjoy the simple pleasures today,
To be present in each moment and to each person,
To be grateful for the unfolding of another day of life.
Help me to remember what really matters whenever I feel overwhelmed or frustrated.
Help me to be of service to others today.
When I feel judgmental, help me to find compassion.
When I feel shame, help me to find freedom.
When I feel guilt, help me to find forgiveness.
When I feel afraid, help me to feel covered by your love.
Thank you for this day.
Thank you for this moment.